Wednesday, November 25, 2020


Sample code looks like this. Please take a look at this table for more details. This computer-programming -related article is a stub. When you deploy a database application that uses dbExpress, you need only to include a dll with the application files you have built. Please visit our new home community.
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This boolean option controls if automatic reconnect should be performed if the connection is broken. We already checked that the download link to be safe, however for your own protection we recommend that you scan the downloaded software with your antivirus.

As data-access layer is thin and simple, dbExpress provides high performance database connectivity and is easy to deploy. Where host is the address of server, port is the number of port that server listens and sid is system identifier that specifies instance name.

Publisher Description dbExpress is a database-independent layer that defines common interface for fast access to Oracle database server from Delphi on Windows and Mac OS X for both bit and bit platforms. Borrland Connection with OCI: The default value of this option is 9. DbxOda driver provides direct access to Oracle database server based on Borland dbExpress data access technology.

dbExpress Drivers

Direct does not support NLS conversion on client side. Full data types support Our dbExpress drivers support all the data types, which may be mapped to dbExpress data types.

You may also want to ask the author to repost the attachment. Specifies the size in bytes of a single character. Following demo projects accompany DbxOda and provide a good bootstrap to start working with it.

dbExpress driver for Oracle Compatibility

It grants every user free access to the latest driver versions when they are released, access to all updates and bug fixes debxpress the driver, product support through the Priority Support program, and notifications on new product versions.

Here is the description of the options and how to use them. For more information, see http: If a query can return a lot of records, set this property to False if initial response time is important. DbxOda driver provides direct access to Oracle database server based on Borland dbExpress data access technology.

dbExpress driver for Oracle ReadMe

Borlamd running sample projects make sure that your database has objects of schema Scott. See the See the table below. If you execute the query or stored procedure more than once, you can improve performance by setting Prepared to true before opening the dataset. Move mouse over comment to see the full text. Demo projects Following demo projects accompany DbxOda and provide a good bootstrap to start working with it.

You need to set name of your TNS alias to Database parameter for standard connection. This page was last edited on 4 Julyat For more information, see http: The use of DbxOda is the very same as one of standard dbExpress drivers supplied by Borland.

Default value of this option is False. Version History Here you can find the changelog of dbExpress driver for Oracle since it was posted on our website on See below the changes in each version:. This sample project demonstrates execution of stored procedure for data insertion and viewing entered data. Get fast and unified access to your databases.

Our dbExpress drivers also provide support for the FireMonkey platform, which allows you to develop visually spectacular high-performance native applications for Windows and macOS.

Notes Database object names that contain spaces or national language characters should be always quoted. For example, the Prepared option allows all dataset to be prepared, the Reconnect option controls if automatic reconnect should be performed if the connection is broken.

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